In April 2021. BRISEA participated in DOE SBIR Phase II Fiscal Year 2021 2nd release application, which is applied by Princeton NuEnergy Inc an entitled “Direct sorting, purification and regeneration of cathode materials for aged lithium-ion batteries (LIB) using a novel low-temperature plasma assisted separation process (LPAS)”.
This application was awarded in July 2021 with funding of $1,150,000. BRISEA was the subcontracted as commercialization consultant and also participate in R&D design and manufacturer of the LIB preprocess system in this project.
This project will develop a novel process to recycle, regenerate, and upgrade aged LIBs, As the vigorous development of lithium-ion battery (LIB) production will lead to a significant increase in the number of used LIBs, recycling plays an important role in the overall sustainability of future batteries.
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