On December 27, 2019, the China Environmental Protection Cluster Brand (CEPCB)Inaugural Ceremony was held in Beijing, China. Beijing BRISEA Energy and Environmental Technology Co., the wholly owned subsidiary of BRISEA Group, Inc., has been invited as a Special Member to CEPCB.
The CEPCB is composed of 27 Member companies and 19 Special Member companies. Both Members and Special Members are invitation only. The 27 Members who constitute the top solid waste disposal facility owners, top companies for solid waste management and operation, top water and wastewater utility owners and operators, and top environmental equipment and instrumentation suppliers in China. The 19 Special Members are the companies with top reputations on their related services area. The Special Members will provide services to the Member companies. The purpose of the CEPCB is to integrate China's environmental protection industry with the international environmental protection industry in terms of technology, management, commerce, and effectiveness. Through environmental technology support and resource optimization, the CEPCB will innovate the business model of the environmental protection industry to promote a win-win situation for all.
As the only CEPCB Special Member with international background and international consulting experience, BRISEA will become a connection point between the members of the CEPCB and professional companies in other countries by providing advisory and consulting services on company marketing, product branding, project financing, and project execution.
Beijing BRISEA General Manager, Mr. Shawn Dong, and Director of Technologies, Dr. Jun Wan, attended the ceremony.